Cassidy Vote
Cosmetology Apprentice

Meet Cassidy Vote, our talented apprentice. Her natural talent and dedication to her craft make her an asset to our salon. She specializes in dimensional and single process color services as well as mid-length and long-length haircuts. If you're looking for a new style, Cassidy is ready to work with you to help you achieve your dream look. She is also seeking to perfect her skills and is currently looking for more opportunities to practice short haircuts.
Cassidy started her apprenticeship in March of 2023. The state of Michigan allows those seeking a career in cosmetology to either do their training at a traditional cosmetology school, or do a two years of in-salon training in order to get their license. Cassidy has completed more than enough hours to begin working on clients, and you won't be disappointed! Because she's a student, all of her services are half off the normal salon price and also maintains our guarantee of services. All services are supervised by a member of our staff! You can book with Cassidy online now!